Pasadena Dog Bite Attorney
It is a dog owner’s legal duty to keep his or her dog from harming others and to be accountable for any injuries the pet may cause. Injury victims in southern California have the right to recover medical expenses and other injury-related damages when an injury is caused by a dog owner’s neglect or carelessness. If you are injured by a dog, or if your child is injured by a dog, speak at once with an experienced Pasadena dog bite attorney at the law firm of Thon Beck Vanni Callahan & Powell. Our Pasadena dog bite attorneys have more than thirty years of experience defending the rights of injury victims in southern California. More importantly, we have a record of excellence and success that speaks for itself.
Each year in the U.S., dogs bite 4.5 million people. More than 800,000 of these dog bite victims seek medical treatment, and more than 300,000 find that help at hospital emergency rooms, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The number of dog bite cases requiring surgery exceeds 30,000 a year. Worst of all, dog attacks cause fatalities: 38 in the United States in the year 2012. More than half of all dog bite victims are small children. Dog owners should act to protect others, and parents should teach children to avoid provoking dogs and to avoid strange dogs altogether. Amputations, disfigurement, and long-term psychological injuries are often the results of dog bite attacks.
California Civil Code 3342, known as “the Dog Bite Statute,” puts strict liabilities on dog owners. The law holds the dog owner responsible if the pet bites another person, whether or not the owner had previous knowledge of the dog’s vicious tendencies. We’ve handled a number of dog bite cases in the past, and while no guarantee can ever be made about any specific case, an experienced Pasadena personal injury attorney with Thon Beck Vanni Callahan & Powell knows how to win the compensation you deserve. If you or someone you love has been injured by someone’s dog in southern California, get the trustworthy legal representation you need. Call the Pasadena dog bite attorneys with the law firm of Thon Beck Vanni Callahan & Powell today at 626-208-9906 or contact us online right now to schedule a free initial consultation.